27 December 2008

T Minus 16 days

It hurts to write that number.

My husband is leaving for USMC boot camp in 16 days.

This is the first time I've put it in those terms.

We have known (and told people) the date he leaves for more than a week, but I hadn't looked at a calendar and done the math until right now. Making a count down like this is helpful for knowing how little time I have for the things to do before he goes, but it also turns up the pressure, reminding me how much quality time I need to cram in the coming weeks.

Here's a partial list of preparations to be made (and a glimpse at what the near future of this blog):

Buy plane ticket
Take more pictures
Organize Our Stuff (tm)
Prepare files for storage
Pack life into luggage
Record Husband Sounds (tm)

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