20 February 2009

Memo To Myself

This was written and posted to my LJ back in August. I planned on updating it for more relevancy to my current situation, but a) I'm not super-rejoiceful right now and b) the original was better than I remembered.

Dear Upset-Annie,

I know you're not there right now, but you will be some day, and I, Happy-Annie, am here to help you out.

How do I know you'll be there? And how can I help you out? The answers are one in the same: I, the current Happy-Annie have been, in the past, Upset-Annie. But I'm not anymore. I'm not you, Upset-Annie. And eventually you won't be yourself anymore.

Remember this, put on some music (even if it's emo) and go draw something. Or snuggle someone (hopefully DH!!!). Start something small and creative that you'll get carried away with.

Don't enjoy yourself too much, though, Upset-Annie. Your days are numbered.


I added the bit about the music. I forgot it the first time around.

I highly encourage any and all of you to follow suit the next time you're in a good mood and write a note to your foul-mooded future selves.

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