02 February 2009

Something else good

It has been brought to my attention that I haven't properly said "HAY, I'M DOING THIS, GO TAKE A LOOK". But, hey, I'm doing this thing! Go take a look!

Lily and Wyett is how I'm keeping myself occupied while DH is gone. I post two little watercolor illustrations a day, currently with 19 under my belt (and another 9 ready for uploading). The beginning of the series can be read in order here, and the second chapter (cleverly titled "Day One") starts below.

The chilly dawn seeps over the sill to illuminate a gift
from Wyett: a physical echo of his voice saying her name.

Lily smiles.

Lily also finds a scroll tied with a yellow ribbon.

Wyett had left a map.

Click here to read the rest of Day 1

1 comment:

Jenny said...

As a girl who never really grew out of fairie tales, I enjoyed that very much.

Are you going to try to publish, or is it already commissioned?