26 January 2009

Day 15 - New sensation of empty

I am amused that the day I finally feel the need to talk about missing the physical contact with DH is the day I post that painting.

It struck me at odd moments over the weekend, the desire to reach out and touch. This might be because weekends are social times, hanging out with my hosts and their friends, here and in Nashville.

I've always missed my husband. All 15 days I've missed talking to him, missed the little affections between us. His primary "love language" is physical touch and over the past three years I've become fluent in it. More than the intimate aspects, I miss the casual proximity.

The feeling is similar to the dull ache when a vital element is missing from my food diet. In some location I can't pinpoint, I feel deficient. There's a sensation that comes from being close to someone familiar, an automatic relaxation from even platonic contact, and it's been over three years since I've gone more than two weeks without getting Vitamin Hug from any person, much less the most important person to me.



Cassandra said...

Hang in there... We've just got through our first lot of training and even though the days may sometimes feel slow looking back the weeks fly by.

Goodluck hun

Jenny said...

Sometimes I miss touch so bad I crouch down and huddle with the dogs. We have a little love fest and then I feel better. Obviously not quite the same though! :)