07 January 2009

T Minus Five Days

*big exhale* DH is finally, finally, finally done with his freelance work. Hip-hip-hooray!

Now I still have to share him with his parents and godparents, MEPS, and my family, but at least I don't have to share him with his clients anymore.

I have to say, the work he did was fantastic, despite being under deadline pressure and getting much less sleep than he's used to.

Stress has kept me off the internet lately, except for the escapism of video games. Over the past two or three days I haven't had the concentration to read anything, much less write or draw. It's a big relief to come back, though.

I pitched the concept that started this blog to a literary agency a week or so ago and I got the rejection I expected yesterday. In some ways it makes me want to work harder at making this an awesome project and resources, but in other ways I want to slack off and let it devolve into a half-assed shadow of the potential it represents.

Or at least I thought I might want to relax my standards until I sat down again. Doing so made me realize how much I miss writing. Unless this relaxation comes from DH no longer having a huge workload I can't help with. Now he can help with MY workload! (So this ramble has been pointless.)

That's unfair... I spent a good deal of today tidying up clothes, running errands, and packing up things that need to be mailed. Now I'm up super early and have a big day of writing and traveling and scheming ahead of me!

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